A: District/School Team/Committee of board member, teacher rep, parent rep, parent rep, principal, district/charter leaders (Multilingual director, curriculum director, and HR director)

Dual Language Institute
Are you starting or enhancing your Dual Language program?
Join us on February 15-16, 2024 !
Virtual Event
When: February 15-16, 2024
Where: Virtual Event
Time: 8:30 am to 3:30 pm CT
Price: $1,500 for the first 5 team members.
After the 5th member the cost is $249 per additional participant.
*For 6+ team members, email us at info@academiclearningcompany.com to register.
Velázquez Press is excited to provide a 2-day institute for school districts/charters that are in the planning stage to start a dual language program or that are within their first three years of implementation and would like to enhance their current program.
Dr. Wayne Thomas and Dr. Virginia Collier will share their longitudinal research and why dual language is the most effective academic program. We encourage districts to bring a stakeholder group in order to learn about the different roles and the importance that each apport to the effectiveness of the program.

Proposed Topics:
- Understanding Second Language Acquisition
- Why Dual Language Schooling?
- What Else do Policy Makers and Families Need to Know?
- Components of DL and Stakeholders’ Roles
- Developing an Effective Language Framework
- Biliteracy Integration through the Content Areas
- Seal of Biliteracy and Family Empowerment
- Participants will develop or enhance their dual language framework
- Learn dual language practices that increase cognitive development and academic success
- Understand the critical components of each stakeholders’ role for an effective program implementation
- Learn about the implementation of the Seal of Biliteracy
- Every participant will receive a copy of Why Dual Language Schooling

Who is part of the stakeholder group?
What is the cost?
Is there extra support available after the 2-day dual language institute?