Velázquez Family
Biliteracy Program
Velázquez Family Biliteracy Program is an easy and flexible program to help schools and districts implement a Seal of Biliteracy or Biliteracy Pathway Recognition Program which celebrates multilingualism with students and their families. Beyond the celebrations, schools and districts can engage and co-power with families, parents and communities and comply with state and federal requirements on family engagement.
How It Works
Identify the number of bilingual students/families you want to recognize based on your state guidelines. Seal of Biliteracy is given at high school graduation & Biliteracy Pathway Recognitions at points throughout k-8. Celebrate students’ bilingual superpower using one of the celebration packages to recognize students and families using medals, stickers and ribbons.
Coordinate with your Family Engagement Team and our Velázquez Team to evaluate current family engagement practices and develop a comprehensive Family Engagement Educational Partner Action Plan.
Literacy and Language Development Packages are carefully curated to provide schools with essential tools to improve student literacy and enhance language development.
Biliteracy Pathway Recognition Celebration Packages
Determine the number of bilingual students and families you wish to honor. The Seal of Biliteracy is awarded at high school graduation, while Biliteracy Pathway awards are given at various stages from K-8.
20 Biliteracy Pathway Recognition Green Ribbon for students
20 Bilingual Family Stickers
20 I support the Seal of Biliteracy stickers
20 Biliteracy Pathway Recognition Self-Adhesive Stickers
*Extra set for $10 each.
20 Biliteracy Pathway Recognition Blue Ribbon for students
20 Bilingual Family Stickers
20 I support the Seal of Biliteracy stickers
20 Biliteracy Pathway Recognition Self-Adhesive Stickers
*Extra set for $10 each.
20 Seal of Biliteracy medal for students
20 Bilingual Family Stickers
20 I support the Seal of Biliteracy stickers
20 Biliteracy Pathway Recognition Self-Adhesive Stickers
*Extra set for $10 each.
Family Biliteracy Program Consulting
Coordinate with your Family Engagement Team andour Velázquez Team to evaluate current practicesand develop a comprehensive plan. Please reviewthe list of innovative, inclusive learning units andreserve dates. These units offer effective strategiesand materials to empower families and educationalpartners:
Empowerment through Communication andLanguage Access
Create a Welcoming and Inclusive School Culture:Leveraging Identity and Culture
Support Parent Education: Understanding SchoolSystems & Leadership
All presentations available in Spanish.
Velázquez Family Biliteracy Reading Box
Literacy and Language Development Packages are carefully curated to provide schools with the essential tools to improve student literacy and enhance language development.

Families Learning Together Kit

No Estás Solo Book Club