FARO Spanish Literacy Series

Discover a curated collection of Spanish literacy sets designed to inspire bilingual success in the classroom. Developed by renowned educators Alma Flor Ada and Isabel Campoy, these grade-level resources combine research-based pedagogy with engaging activities to strengthen Spanish phonological awareness, word study, and reading skills. Each set includes captivating stories that celebrate students’ cultural heritage, fostering pride in their identity and a lifelong love of learning. From foundational skills for PreK-2 to advanced literacy tools for grades 3-6, these sets provide practical strategies and resources to connect language, culture, and learning.

Spanish Foundation Skills PreK-K


Pedagogy on teaching Spanish phonological awareness (rhyming, syllables) and word study with books in the PreK-K classroom.


Pedagogy Books 
• La lectura creadora 
• Girasol cartilla
• Palabra amiga

Support Books
• Leo en primavera
• Palabras
• Cuentos para ti

Suggested Story Books
• Camino a la escuela
• Arrullos
• ¡Hola bondad! 


Spanish Foundation Skills K-1


Pedagogy on teaching Spanish phonological awareness (rhyming, syllables) and word study with books in the K-1 classroom.


Spanish Literacy Development 1-2


This set helps develop crucial reading skills such as reading fluently with accuracy and expression, enhancing comprehension, and expanding vocabulary while creating sociocultural awareness through folklore, poetry, and theater. 


Spanish Literacy Development 2-3


This set helps develop crucial reading skills such as reading fluently with accuracy and expression, enhancing comprehension, and expanding vocabulary while creating sociocultural awareness through folklore, poetry, and theater. 


Spanish Literacy Development 4-5


This set helps develop crucial reading skills such as reading fluently with accuracy and expression, enhancing comprehension, and expanding vocabulary while creating sociocultural awareness through folklore, poetry, and theater. 


Spanish Literacy Development 5-6


This set helps develop crucial reading skills such as reading fluently with accuracy and expression, enhancing comprehension, and expanding vocabulary while creating sociocultural awareness through folklore, poetry, and theater. 


Pedagogy Books
• El encuentro mágico
• Palabra amiga: Domina el idioma
• Palabra amiga: Cuaderno de actividades 
• Amistad, divino tesoro y otros cuentos 
• Los zapaticos de Rosa y otros cuentos hispanoamericanos 
• Piña y los piratas 

Support Books: 
• ABC solidario
• Todos los días fiesta
• La Eexpedición de la vacuna
• El vuelo de los colibríes
• Mariana
• Cuentos de Carmela
• Cuentamundos
• ABC del optimismo
• Cuéntame un cuento de verdad, abuelita y el desfile de las nubes
