Oklahoma Testing Accommodations




Word-to-Word Dictionaries

Note- the intent of this accommodation is to provide linguistic support by allowing students to access precise translation of unknown words in a standardized manner. Students who benefit most from this accommodation are students who are able to use a translation dictionary with ease.


Dictionaries that do not provide pictures or word definitions. These may be paperback or electronic word-to-word dictionaries that do not include pictures.


No electronic translators such as Google Translate, Open AI GPT-3, or any other AI- enhanced or internet-based translators may be utilized.


(S2 or S4) is suggested for this accommodation so that other students not needing this accommodation are not distracted.


(T1) Allow extended time to allow proper use of the accommodation.


If a word-to-word dictionary is not available for a specific language, districts may devise a list of test vocabulary words with translations into the appropriate language. This list must be submitted to SDE for approval at least 30 days before the OSTP testing window opens.

(Page 15)


Approved Word-to-Word Dictionaries for OSTP & CCRA Testing.pdf (PDF)


World Wide Spanish English Dictionary

(Page 26)


Velázquez Word To Word English and Spanish School Dictionary (Page 28)


Velázquez Spanish and English Glossary for the Mathematics Classroom (Page 28)


Velázquez Spanish and English Glossary for the Science Classroom (Page 28)


Velázquez Spanish and English Glossary for the Social Studies Classroom (Page 28)