
Viewing Dual Language Instruction Through the E...
Several years ago, the two of us worked together as English (Shera) and Spanish (Liz) co-teachers in a dual language program, an arrangement that we refer to as Tandem Teaching.
Viewing Dual Language Instruction Through the E...
Several years ago, the two of us worked together as English (Shera) and Spanish (Liz) co-teachers in a dual language program, an arrangement that we refer to as Tandem Teaching.

Co-Teaching with a Holistic Bilingual Perspective
Our second Big Idea of Tandem Teaching is that Tandem Teaching aligns with a holistic perspective on bilingualism and biliteracy development. What does that mean, and what does it look like?
Co-Teaching with a Holistic Bilingual Perspective
Our second Big Idea of Tandem Teaching is that Tandem Teaching aligns with a holistic perspective on bilingualism and biliteracy development. What does that mean, and what does it look like?

Walking the Walk of the Third Goal
In our book Dual Language Tandem Teaching: Coordinating Instruction across Languages through Cross-Linguistic Pedagogies, we introduce six Big Ideas of Tandem Teaching. Our third Big Idea is that effective Tandem Teaching involves...
Walking the Walk of the Third Goal
In our book Dual Language Tandem Teaching: Coordinating Instruction across Languages through Cross-Linguistic Pedagogies, we introduce six Big Ideas of Tandem Teaching. Our third Big Idea is that effective Tandem Teaching involves...

Triumphant Geometry Teaching in Georgia
Amid Philadelphia’s crisp autumn air, WIDA held its 2016 National Conference with the theme of Drawing on Life’s Experiences: Designing Bright Futures. From concurrent sessions and keynote speakers to networking...
Triumphant Geometry Teaching in Georgia
Amid Philadelphia’s crisp autumn air, WIDA held its 2016 National Conference with the theme of Drawing on Life’s Experiences: Designing Bright Futures. From concurrent sessions and keynote speakers to networking...

Making Meaning in Content Classrooms
Science and math are content classrooms that pose peculiar challenges for ELLs not only because of the specific academic vocabulary but the layers of meaning required to truly excel. At...
Making Meaning in Content Classrooms
Science and math are content classrooms that pose peculiar challenges for ELLs not only because of the specific academic vocabulary but the layers of meaning required to truly excel. At...

6 Steps to Help Your Newcomer Students in the C...
Do you have a newcomer center for your school or a newcomer program for your new students? Newcomer students face mounting challenges when they enroll a new school. Besides the...
6 Steps to Help Your Newcomer Students in the C...
Do you have a newcomer center for your school or a newcomer program for your new students? Newcomer students face mounting challenges when they enroll a new school. Besides the...