Dr. Mercuri is a nationally and internationally recognized educational consultant in the area of second language acquisition, dual language education and curriculum integration for biliteracy development. She has over 28 years of experience in teaching in K-12 schools and at the university level in Argentina and the United States. After retiring from the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley she continued to work on research on the development of academic language across the content areas, the use of translanguaging practices for language transfer and the effect of long-term professional development on bilingual and ESL teachers’ instructional practices. Dr. Mercuri provides professional development for teachers and administrators as well as for parents. She presents at national and international conferences on issues of second language acquisition and bilingualism, dual language education, translanguaging pedagogy and ESL strategies.
Dr. Mercuri has published articles in the TESOL Quarterly, Talking Points, EJLTS, JMER, TESOL Connections, MEXTESOL, and the NABE journal as well as the Spanish professional journals The Colombian Journal of Bilingual Education: GIST and the Revista Educación y Pedagogía and more than twelve book chapters. Dr. Mercuri is the author of the book titled Supporting Literacy Through Science: The Challenge of Teaching Science in a Time of Accountability. She has also co-authored the book Dual Language Essentials for teachers and administrators with Drs. Yvonne and David Freeman and Research-based Strategies for English Language Learners with Denise Rea. Her latest work includes Pathways to Biliteracy (2019) published by Velázquez Press, La enseñanza en el aula bilingüe: Content, language and biliteracy (Caslon, 2021) and Biliteracy para todos published by Okapi Publishing Company (2021)
For information on Professional Development email: jruiz@academiclearningcompany.com