Dual Language Leadership Institute
Are you considering starting or expanding your dual language program to secondary schools? How do you start planning? Who should be involved in your planning committee? What are some of the challenges you may face, and how can you address them? How can you ensure that your secondary dual language program is sustainable? This workshop series will help you answer these questions and more!
What are some of the challenges you may face when starting or expanding a dual language program?
- District bilingual/multilingual administrators, dual language coordinators and specialists.
- Elementary and secondary site administrators, dual language coordinators.
- Identify the similarities and differences between an elementary and a secondary dual language program.
- Establish a dual language transition team to provide the collaborative, shared leadership in preparing to transition your elementary dual language program to secondary.
- Explore steps that need to be taken to prepare for a successful and sustainable secondary dual language program.

The transition of an elementary dual language (DL) program to a successful and sustainable secondary program is one that requires collaboration and shared leadership that includes stakeholders from the district, elementary DL sites, and future secondary DL sites, along with the support of the families and community members. In the first part of this session, the following questions begin the conversation on creating a successful and sustainable secondary DL program.
What does the research reveal regarding the academic outcomes for secondary DL students?
What is a secondary DL program and how does it differ from an elementary program?
Why is it important to continue the DL program through high school graduation?
In the second part of the session, the following topics are explored. Recommendations regarding the establishment of a DL Transition Team and basing the development of the secondary DL program on research on DL programs are shared. Other avenues to garner more information on secondary DL programs and how to successfully and strategically navigate the transition are discussed, as well.
Links to “Fulfilling the Promise of Biliteracy: Creating a Successful and Sustainable Secondary Dual Language Program”:
- Y1.1 Establish a DL Transition Team
- Y1.4 Introduce the Guiding Principles for Dual Language Education, 3rd Edition
- Y1.5 Explore Secondary DL Program and Implementation Models
- Y1.6 Visit Established, Successful Secondary DL Programs
- Y1.7 Join a DL Network that Supports Secondary DL Programs
- Y1.8 Attend DL Conferences with a Secondary Strand
- Y1.9 Consult with Secondary DL Experts
The initial work of the DL Transition Team is outlined in this session, including composing the mission and vision statements for the secondary DL program, as well as connecting with the families of the elementary DL students to learn more about their wishes for their children as they move into secondary DL program. Drawing upon lessons learned from other elementary programs that transitioned to secondary, the threats to the success and sustainability of the secondary program are examined to allow the district and the DL Transition Team to be proactive in addressing the issues if they arise. Finally, a system is shared to assist in the decision regarding the locations for the secondary DL program.
Links to “Fulfilling the Promise of Biliteracy: Creating a Successful and Sustainable Secondary Dual Language Program”:
- Y1.10 Create Secondary DL Mission and Vision Statements
- Y1.11 Connect with Elementary DL Families and Students
- Y1.12 Examine the Threats to the Success and Sustainability of the Secondary DL Program
- Y1.13 Determine the Locations for the Secondary DL Program
Saturday, April 30, 2022 - 8 AM-12 PMPST (11 AM-3 PM EST)
One of the most important components of a successful and sustainable secondary DL program is the student eligibility policy. In this session, how other secondary programs have crafted their policies is shared for the DL Transition Team to consider. Other important components, determining the secondary DL courses and identifying the partner language curriculum for each are also explored.
Links to “Fulfilling the Promise of Biliteracy: Creating a Successful and Sustainable Secondary Dual Language Program”:
- Y2.3 Establish Student Eligibility for DL Program
- Y2.4 Determine DL Program Model and Secondary DL Courses
- Y2.5 Identify Secondary DL Curriculum
One of the greatest challenges for a secondary DL program is getting the DL courses on the master schedule so that they do not conflict with other programs that are competing for the attention and participation of secondary students. In this session, how to advocate for priority placement of the DL courses on the master schedule is explored. To ensure that the DL program is delivering on its promise of biliteracy and high academic achievement, the importance of establishing a student progress monitoring system is shared along with suggestions on the types of data that may be used to capture students’ areas of strength and areas for growth. In anticipation of great student success, recognitions for DL students are highlighted. To ensure the sustainability of the secondary DL program, drafting a budget is discussed, and the value of updating the families and community on the progress in establishing and engaging them in the secondary DL program is examined.
Links to “Fulfilling the Promise of Biliteracy: Creating a Successful and Sustainable Secondary Dual Language Program”:
- Y2.6 Create a Secondary DL Student Progress Monitoring System
- Y2.7 Draft a Secondary Master Schedule
- Y2.8 Plan Seal of Biliteracy Pathway and District Recognitions
- Y2.9 Create a DL Budget Plan
- Y2.10 Garner DL Family and Community Feedback and Support for Secondary DL Program
The finishing touches to the comprehensive plan to implement a successful and sustainable secondary DL program are the focus of the final half of the year prior to the program’s launch. In this session, designing a secondary DL administrator and teacher professional learning plan is highlighted. Partnering with bilingual teacher education programs that prepares DL secondary teachers is explored to provide a future secondary DL teacher pipeline to sustain the program. The importance of setting in motion a system to support the success and sustainability of the secondary DL program in its first year and beyond by establishing a secondary DL District Leadership Team to provide shared, collaborative leadership for the program is examined. In the second half of the session, a panel of secondary DL experts respond to participant questions on various aspects of establishing and sustaining a secondary DL program.
Links to “Fulfilling the Promise of Biliteracy: Creating a Successful and Sustainable Secondary Dual Language Program”:
- Y3.8 Design Secondary DL Administrator and Teacher Professional Learning Plan
- Y3.9 Develop Future DL Teacher Pipeline
Virtual Event (3 Saturdays)
Early Bird: $399 per person
Standard: $499
Group Discount $25 off per person with a minimum of 3 people