Florida Statewide Assessments
Authorized bilingual word to word dictionaries for English learners
According to Florida Accommodations of the Statewide Assessment Program Instruments and Procedures for English Language Learners, schools can offer word to word dictionaries as testing accommodations.
"(1) The Department of Education shall provide accommodations for English Language Learners (ELLs) to enable them to fully participate in the statewide standardized assessment program as defined in Section 1008.22, F.S. (2 d) ... The dictionary or glossary must provide word-to-word translations only and may not contain definitions or other information. A dictionary or glossary written exclusively in the heritage language or in English shall not be provided. If the dictionary, glossary, or website uses the Internet, schools must ensure that students have access only to the dictionary, glossary, or website that meets the same requirements and must not have access to any other sites. Students in Grades K through 2 may be provided with a picture translation dictionary or glossary that meets the requirements of this paragraph.” - 6A-6.09091 Accommodations of the Statewide Assessment Program Instruments and Procedures for English Language Learners."
Source: fldoe.org