Job-Embedded Support
Partner with Velázquez Press to provide learning opportunities that are based on the latest research. Our team is committed to create learning spaces that focus on effective educator practices.
Our professional development is relevant, effective, and it is aligned to current research and instructional practices. We serve districts and charters all across the nation and our experienced educational team is ready to support your needs.
From methodology and latest research to application of biliteracy practices in the classroom, our team can support in developing the best plan for professional development for your teachers, administrators, or any other stakeholder group. Also check our new workshop that contains everything you want to know about bilitereacy, The ART of Biliteracy
With the growing number of emergent bilinguals/English learners in our schools, it is imperative that training is provided on sheltered-instructional practices for our teachers and administrators. We are here to help with job-embedded training that fits the needs of your teachers supporting the academic vocabulary growth of their students. Also, check our new Culturally Sustaining Sheltered Instruction institute.
Our team of experts can develop a cycle of coaching support for teachers and/or administrators based on a specific district/campus instructional initiative. Together, we will develop a cycle that best fits the needs of the district/campus.
Specialized support for teachers and administrators that work closely with recently arrived to the country emergent bilinguals/English learners is provided via district/charter or campus specific needs. From instructional classroom supports at the beginning and intimidate level to the programmatic facilitation of developing a plan.
Our Velázquez Family Engagement program is an innovative approach that helps schools celebrate the multilingual and multicultural assets of their students, their families and their community. We are ready to plan effective collaborations of support with your families and your district staff.
Whether you are looking to enhance your current bilingual or dual language program or need guidance to start the planning of your future program, our team of experts and authors are ready to support and collaborate with your team. We are able
We can help you and your team to develop the best Language of Allocation Framework or Language Master Plan that best fits your district/charter or campus; based on any of the supported allocations that are research-based.
We are able to conduct yearly program evaluations, conduct focused groups and hold program interviews with all stakeholders. Whether your state or district may require a yearly evaluation, we are happy to also conduct these for program enhancement and re- alignment.
Our team will collaborate with your district/campus instructional network group (this group ideally includes administration representatives that work directly with staff that makes an impact in student learning). Together we will engage in instructional walks to observe program learning practices and the application of strategies.
Texas – Title III monies can be spent on resources, materials, and professional development that supports the enhancement of your current state approved language program(s).
If your district has filed a Bilingual Exception and/or an ESL Waiver with the state, then 10% of your district's Bilingual Education Allotment (BEA) funds must be spent on professional development as part of your Comprehensive PD Plan.
Many of our authors are able to provide training on their specific area of work, as well as consultive support. Contact us to find out more information about areas of support with one of our authors.