Georgia Testing Accommodations




Word-to-Word Dictionary Use by English Learners

The use of a word-to-word dictionary for English learners is an allowable accommodation for state content assessments when determined to be necessary by the EL Test Participation Committee. As stipulated in the Student Assessment Handbook (Approved Accommodations for English Learners), only words may be translated; definitions are not permitted. Word-to-word dictionaries that include synonyms, antonyms, phrases, maps, pictures, and samples are not permissible. This accommodation is not permissible for the WIDA English language proficiency assessments. A word-to-word dictionary that provides a direct translation of a common word/phrase to another common word/phrase is permitted. For example, in English to Spanish: candy: n, dulces; canoe: n, canoa; rain: v; llover; hot: adj., caliente. In contrast, a word-to-word dictionary that goes beyond direct translation and provides context is not permissible. Electronic word-to-word dictionaries (web-based, computer-based, hand-held) are not permitted for use on state assessments. Given that it is virtually impossible to locate word-to-word dictionaries that do not contain parts of speech, word-to-word dictionaries that contain parts of speech are allowable. Any exceptions to this guidance must be approved by the GaDOE Assessment Office. (Page 148)