At Velázquez Press, we believe that professional learning can make a difference in students’ lives. We believe that all students and all adults in a school community bring value to the table, want to do their best, and are capable of learning and of achieving great things.And we believe that all students benefit when educators attend to language & culture.
Allprofessional learning experiences delivered by Velazquez Press:
- Are informed by anassets-based philosophyof students, educators, and families.
- Provide participants withready-to-implementstrategies and tools.
- Includemultimediaresources such as books and videos.
- Allow participants to join a supportivecommunity of learners.
- Are led byhighly qualified facilitators.
- Center on content that is supported bythe latest researchand thinking.
- Include opportunities for participants tointeract meaningfullywith each other and with facilitators.
- Arepersonalizedto fit the needs of the audience.
- Include opportunities for participants toapply their learningto their classroom or context.
- Includeoptions to extend learningwith job-embedded services.